manchester united destroyed milan 4-0 on wednesday. that's it for us in champions league. milan needs some good defenders to back up nesta and antonini when they are injured. we also need some good strikers for pato when he can't play. we still have a chance to win the serie a title as inter lost to catania yesterday 3-1. here is ronaldinho trying his best..
milan tied roma yesterday 0-0, however, inter tied genoa today. that means we are still only four points behind our city rival. ronaldinho was rated a 6.5 by unfortuantely, i feel his strikers were not able to follow through. we play man united this week and need to score a win by at least two goals or that's it for us in champions league. we can only hope for the best. forza milan..
i've been really serious about photography since last year and it has changed my life. i am completely obsessed with every angle of taking photos and find myself thoroughly anxious to keep progressing. i'm not calling myself a photographer yet. I still have a lot of work to do. however, i am steadily working on a site and hope to have it up by mid to late summer. here is a sample design i came up with in adobe fireworks cs4..